My Philosophy
My goal is to try and reduce or eliminate timing from the golf swing. Have you ever gone out one weekend and played incredibly, yet the next weekend you go out and can’t hit the golf ball? This is all due to timing. If we can eliminate timing from the golf swing you will notice a difference in consistency straight away.
How do we eliminate timing?
We allow the big muscles to swing the golf club and try and decrease the movement in the smaller muscles in both the wrists and forearms. This method can be taught to anyone no matter the ability or age. Absolutely anyone can improve their ball striking by making small adjustments!
Short Game:
The short game is undoubtedly the most important part of golf. If you can improve your short game your scores will tumble down. Not everyone can hit 300-yard bombs off the tee like the pro’s, but everyone has the ability to be able to get up and down from 60 yards. Go over your last round in your head and count how many shots it took you to get down from inside 60 yards. The likelihood is it’s a lot.
My philosophy when it comes to the short game is everyone is unique. Everyone has patterns which they gravitate towards. I like to keep pitching and chipping simple. I have 3 ball positions and 3 handle positions, then with the correct technique, I can get students to hit the ball low, medium and high. The problem most people encounter while pitching or chipping is that they only have 1 type of shot or ball flight. They may have the low bump and run mastered but when it comes to hitting a high soft shot over a bunker to a short-sided pin they are lost.
When it comes to putting there are two things I emphasize, a good set up foundation and SPEED. If you can become a great judge of speed you will automatically drop your putts per round. Think about how many shots you’ve lost to 3 putting because the first putt was hit 10 foot past and you missed the return. I like students to get really good at lag putting, once they improve their lag putting puts from inside 10 ft become much easier.